52词语>英语词典>abducens nerve翻译和用法

abducens nerve

网络  展神经; 外展神经; 外旋神经; 脑神经; 滑车神经




  • Abducens nerve was the medial limit of drilling petrous bone;
  • Conclusions In atypical cases, the retraction of the globe in adduction was not obvious and the diagnosis of DRS must be differentiated from the following ocular motility disorders, namely, abducens nerve palsy, Mebius syndrome, congenital oculomotor apraxia and congenital or infantile esotropia.
  • With early diagnosis and prompt surgical intervention, the sphenoid sinus mucocele-associated neurological deficits can be restored completely. Purpose: Here we examine a case of sphenoid sinus mucocele presenting with left abducens nerve palsy and subsequent loss of left eye vision.
  • Abducens nerve intimately related with the medial artery of clivus, the lateral artery of clivus, the tentorial marginal artery, the inferior hypophyseal artery and the anterolateral branch of its inferolateral trunk.
  • Results: The most affected nerves in diabetic ophthalmoplegia were abducens nerve and oculomotor nerve, usually not completely paralyzed and with 100~ 200 degree strabismus.
  • HRP labeled neurons in the MTN extended from the pons at the level of the nucleus of the abducens nerve to the midbrain at the rostral level of the superior colliculus.
  • Triangle of abducens nerve was formed by the petrosphenoidal ligament, the medial wall of Meckel's cave and the posterolateral wall of ICA, and abducens nerve passed through this triangle.
  • Objective: To provide applied anatomical data of abducens nerve for the skull base surgery.
  • Purpose: Here we examine a case of sphenoid sinus mucocele presenting with left abducens nerve palsy and subsequent loss of left eye vision.
  • This approach better reveals the contralateral cavernous sinus and reach the abducens nerve, oculomotor nerve and the superior orbital fissure outside contralateral internal carotid artery. 4.